Word file size increasing



Hi all,

I have made a search on the existing topics before posting this
question. In our project we have a repository of office documents that
users can download to their local machine's and work on.

In last couple of days I have been getting mails from them that the
size of few word documents even 1 or 2 pages is reaching to 20 to 40
MB. I have 2 sample files with me that Im not able to figure out why
it is happening like that.

In fact there is a word document that is entirely empty no text no
pictures nothing even the word count shows 0 chracters/lines etc.
still the size of that document is 20 mb. I have also scanned that
file for possible viruses still no luck. I dont understand what really
makes the size of that word file so huge despite it is completely

I have checked out the options already posted on this fourm viz:

1. Switched off auto save
2. Switched off "Save preview picture"
3. No revisions in the document all accepted or rejected.

Any clue will be of great help



Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Zail,

You can also see this if File=>Versions was used at
some point or if [x] Allow Fast Saves is turned on
in Tools=>Options=>Save or if in that same tab some
of the other 'save with file' choices, such as
embed fonts, is chosen. You may also want to check
to see that the .doc file format is being chosen and
not an older (Word 6/7/95) format.

Try using File=>Save as and use either a new file name
or save as a web page, close the file, open and save as
a .DOC again and see if you get the same file size issue.

Hi all,

I have made a search on the existing topics before posting this
question. In our project we have a repository of office documents that
users can download to their local machine's and work on.

In last couple of days I have been getting mails from them that the
size of few word documents even 1 or 2 pages is reaching to 20 to 40
MB. I have 2 sample files with me that Im not able to figure out why
it is happening like that.

In fact there is a word document that is entirely empty no text no
pictures nothing even the word count shows 0 chracters/lines etc.
still the size of that document is 20 mb. I have also scanned that
file for possible viruses still no luck. I dont understand what really
makes the size of that word file so huge despite it is completely

I have checked out the options already posted on this fourm viz:

1. Switched off auto save
2. Switched off "Save preview picture"
3. No revisions in the document all accepted or rejected.

Any clue will be of great help


Zail >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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