word footnotes and quark


d m

I'm importing 15 word docs into the same number of quark xpress 5 docs.
There are over 1,000 footnotes which are numbered consecutively in word
across the documents (i.e. starting from "1" in the first word file, then
"112" in the second, "230" in the third, etc. etc.). However, when I get
text in Quark, it ignores the autonumbering set by the word file and
restarts the notes at "1" each time. The thought of manually renumbering all
the footnotes and references in quark is not something I'm looking forward
to--does anybody have a remedy??

Dayo Mitchell

Some thoughts:

Are you *sure* Quark doesn't have an option to let you start note numbering
at a certain place?

If these are different chapters or sections of a long document, standard
practice is to restart footnote numbering with each chapter, so maybe you
can just do that? A note reference with four digits is a tad unwieldy.


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