Just elaborating on John's reply:
The Windows OS arranges content alphabetically by folder then alpha by file
as the default. Mac OS X is purely alpha regardless of type.
In a Finder window you can get the folders to be listed first if you're
using List View & have the Size column enabled. Sort the list by Size (click
the Size Heading) and all the folders will come to the top since they are 0
size & all files are at least 1 K. Unfortunately the Open & Save As dialogs
used by the Office apps don't support the Size column (Name & Date Modified
are all you get) so the sort has no effect - nor can it be applied - in
either of those dialogs.
As to the color issue: OS X doesn't provide the ability to change the color
of the folders themselves. However, you can Control/Right+Click a folder,
select a Color Label from a palette of 7 colors which will color the entire
row occupied by that folder when using List view or will highlight the name
of the folder when using Icon View. (The same can be done with files.)
The color labeling must be done in a Finder window, not within the Open or
Save As dialogs and if a program is running when you make the changes the
coloring won't be visible in those dialogs until you re-launch the program.
I believe there are 3rd party utility apps which enable you to not only
change the color of folder icons but also enable using completely different
icons for files & folders. In fact, OS X makes it simple to replace one
item's icon with a different one right in the Get Info dialog... You just
need an icon/image to copy in order to paste it in place of the current
icon. There are plenty to choose from out there - just be cautious
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac