The first place I would look is to ensure that one of you is not using a
Right-to-Left language.
That would be "You", since Mac Word can't do Right-to-Left justification yet
As Rob suggested, the next place to look is in the definition of your
styles. You can't "not" use styles in Word, ALL formatting is generated by
styles in modern versions of Word.
Unless you change it, all paragraphs are formatted with the Normal style.
Just be careful you are not talking at cross-purposes with her... There are
two properties involved: the "Alignment" and the "Justification".
If she is not used to looking at justified text, and you send her text that
is left aligned and fully-justified, it will look very strange to her.
I would suggest that you work "Left justified, ragged right". In other
words, format your style to be "Left" and not "Justified".
Hope this helps
We're not using any styles. Anything typed to a blank document, and aligned
seems to produce the oposite alignment on the other machine. If she aligns
right when I open it in word for windows it aligns left. When I then align it
right and send it back to her she says the alignment is totally a mess (what
that means I'm not sure other than there are changes to the overall alignment
in addition to left or right).
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John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]