Word formatting questions


David Thielen


In the file http://www.windwardreports.com/temp/DocFormatting.zip Can
you please tell me the following:

1) With show all formatting marks some end of cell & end of para marks
on page 2 are in red. What does the red mean?

2) On page 3 several rows leave blank space in the bottom of the cells
- but the cell height is not specified. Why is that added spacing in

3) A paragraph marker at the end of a paragraph does not appear to
force a blank line if outside fo a cell - but does force it inside a
cell. Is that correct?

thanks - dave

david@[email protected]
Windward Reports -- http://www.WindwardReports.com
me -- http://dave.thielen.com

Cubicle Wars - http://www.windwardreports.com/film.htm

Colbert Zhou [MSFT]

Hello Dave,

In my opinion, this question is really not related to the COM AddIn
development. So I would like to highly encourage you to post in the
microsoft.public.word.formatting.longdocs newsgroup. IT professionals there
who are familiar with the Word formatting issues may have an idea on this.

Best regards,
Colbert Zhou (colbertz @online.microsoft.com, remove 'online.')
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Cindy M.

Hi David,
In the file http://www.windwardreports.com/temp/DocFormatting.zip Can
you please tell me the following:

1) With show all formatting marks some end of cell & end of para marks
on page 2 are in red. What does the red mean?
The text has been formatted with the Red color. When I view the style
definition, it says "Header + Red".

BTW you should avoid using the Header style outside the document header.
I'm guessing this table was copied from a Header, somewhere, into this
2) On page 3 several rows leave blank space in the bottom of the cells
- but the cell height is not specified. Why is that added spacing in
Paragraph formatting has been set: SpaceAfter is set to 6 points.
3) A paragraph marker at the end of a paragraph does not appear to
force a blank line if outside fo a cell - but does force it inside a
cell. Is that correct?
I'm not sure to what you're specifically referring here, but am guessing
this is part of (2).

FWIW I think you should have a document-oriented person go through the
template(s) with the "spec" for the document in order to clean up the
direct formatting. It seems a shame to me to have used Styles so well,
then have direct formatting present...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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