Word Freezes when you attempt to Fax



I am running Mac OS 10.3. Whenever I send a document to fax from Word
( version 11.1 ) and click on the address book icon; Word freezes.
Issue occurs on multiple computers running different versions of 10.3.
My current work around is to force quit and then type in the address
manually. Any suggestions?

JE McGimpsey

I am running Mac OS 10.3. Whenever I send a document to fax from Word
( version 11.1 ) and click on the address book icon; Word freezes.
Issue occurs on multiple computers running different versions of 10.3.
My current work around is to force quit and then type in the address
manually. Any suggestions?

The fax option in Word is broken. Some say it's because Apple did not
follow their published spec for the feature, and that MS and Apple will
have to work out a fix, but it obviously hasn't happened yet.

Note that, for me at least, Word doesn't really freeze. Instead, the
Address book window doesn't get the focus, so its buttons, including the
close button, don't close the window. Clicking "Cancel" on Word's PRINT
dialog, however, does close both dialogs.

Elliott Roper

JE said:
The fax option in Word is broken. Some say it's because Apple did not
follow their published spec for the feature, and that MS and Apple will
have to work out a fix, but it obviously hasn't happened yet.

I just tried that from Freehand, Preview, OmniGraffle and Word v.X
Only Word freezes, and only if you click the headandshoulders icon. It
works ok if you start typing the recipient's name into the "to:" box

The Freehand v10 guys must have read the spec OK. It long predated the
fax options in the OS X.3 Print menu.
Note that, for me at least, Word doesn't really freeze. Instead, the
Address book window doesn't get the focus, so its buttons, including the
close button, don't close the window. Clicking "Cancel" on Word's PRINT
dialog, however, does close both dialogs.

I see the same behavior. A pity really because Panther's fax is quite
OK, although the workaround is no great hardship.

Here is a hint if you were wondering if the fax got sent OK

Put this url into your favourite browser
and be delighted.

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