Word freezing saving to floppy drive



I have two users. User 1 has Windows 2000 and Office 2000 and user 2 has
Windows 2000 and Office 2003. Both have been doing the same routine for years
without a problem. All of a sudden they both have problem with Office
freezing when saving to floppy. User 1 is using Excel and user 2 with Word. I
know everyone says don't save directly to floppy but these users do. The
problem is from a Windows Update but I don't know which one. Can anyone help
figure this out?

Doug Robbins

Never, Never work from a floppy. Always work on files on the hard disk and
use Windows explorer to copy to a floppy in necessary.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Michael said:
freezing when saving to floppy. User 1 is using Excel and
user 2 with Word. I

1. Don't save directly to floppies from Office programs.

2. Don't allow users to save directly to floppies from
Office programs.

3. Goto 1.


We have also discovered this issue in one of our computer labs on campus
(Windows 2000 and Office 2003). The only workaround we have found was to
uninstall Office, reinstall Office, but do not update Office.

While the Office updates have been on for some time now, something in
Windows update breaks the updated Office 2003.

I am still looking for a better solution.

Graham Mayor

The better solution is to do as recommended in this thread

Never ever read from, write to or print from floppy with Word. This is the
most certain method of ensuring document corruption. Copy to the hard disc
and work on the document from there. This is equally relevant to other
removable media such as CDRW.

The security update for Word has deliberately inhibited the ability to do
this, and you want to work around it? Some people need protecting from
themselves :(

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Graham, the update didn't prohibit the working with a floppy. It broke it.
You can still write to the floopy but it locks up Word or Excel thus needing
the PC rebooted. Prohibit would be the program saying NO when you try to
write to floppy. I wish people would stop telling me this. I know the best
practices for MS Office. I just want to remove the update until MS fixes the
problem. Thanks.


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