Word Freezing



Version: 2004 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Recently, I noticed that when I open my Word application it freezes. If I open the app, then try to search for a file it freezes, and if I try to open the file I want directly from Finder or the desktop Word freezes and never loads/opens. I have checked all the updates for Word and for my OS and all are up to date. I had no problem with the software until last night. Any ideas?


Well, I don't mean to pry :) but what *else* happened last night?
Applications don't simply & arbitrarily decide to stop working, so something
else must have changed in your configuration. Have you installed or removed
any other software? Have you moved or deleted any files or folders?

If you're certain that both Office (12.2.3) & OS X (10.5.8) are completely
updated try Quitting all applications, run Apple's Disk Utility - Repair
Disk Permissions on your HD, then Shut Down for a few minutes. See if the
crashes continue once you power up.

If it continues, see the troubleshooting info pertaining to "Unexpected quit
on startup".

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