Word graphics



My print shop guy creates graphic maps in Word. When he clicks on an object
(grouped or not), the view jumps to another area of the document. He then has
to scroll over to find the selected graphic. Sometimes it goes to the middle
and sometimes to the top, but it never stays where the selected graphic
resides. Why?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Sandy,

What version of Word, what view and zoom is he working in, what are the steps used to create the graphic.

My print shop guy creates graphic maps in Word. When he clicks on an object
(grouped or not), the view jumps to another area of the document. He then has
to scroll over to find the selected graphic. Sometimes it goes to the middle
and sometimes to the top, but it never stays where the selected graphic
resides. Why?
DesktopSupport Sandy >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Printshop Guy

I am using Word 2007, and this problem occurs when I am using a large Drawing
canvas. The graphics consist strictly of Lines, shapes (triangles, squares,
curves etc..) and text boxes (letters, symbols and Wingding/Webdings).
To create the graphics, I am selecting the Drawing Tools / Format tab, and
Inserting shapes. Sometimes I lock the shapes selector so that I can repeat
line drawings on a complex map.

Thank you so much for your time Bob!

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