WORD graphing utility?



I teach math and really like Math Type in conjunction with WORD to create

But, I would also like to create a graph and incorporate it into my test.doc

(I can do straight lines via Geometers Sketchpad, but I'm not sure how to
use that program to do other graphs).

I have a "powertoy graphing calculator" program that works well but I cannot
copy that screen.

SO, bottom line: does anyone know of a program (there must be plenty out
there) that will draw graphs, is easy to use, and most important I need to
be able to copy the graph into my .doc.?



Actually, it might be a good choice - why do you think it won't
serve your needs?
What type of graphs are you working with or won't Excel work on?
Are you trying to create graphs from equations or from data
points? Etc.?
There is also an Equation Editor available, BTW. It doesn't
graph, but it makes writing equations a lot easier.

Bob Mathews

I teach math and really like Math Type in conjunction with
WORD to create tests.
SO, bottom line: does anyone know of a program (there
must be plenty out there) that will draw graphs, is easy
to use, and most important I need to be able to copy the
graph into my .doc.?

Hi Mel,

I can recommend one that we don't produce, but I know the authors
and they have done a bang-up job with it. The product is called
Autograph, and is very easy to use. You can easily insert an
Autograph plot or graph into your Word document, and if you want
to, you can even label it with MathType. Autograph not only
graphs standard functions, but implicit functions, conic
sections, and contour plots. You can animate the graph at a speed
you choose, which gives a handy way to analyze a graph WRT time.
You can vary the values of constants, which helps students see
the effect of various coefficients and other values in the
equation. It'll do 3D too, if you're so inclined. It's published
in the UK, but they have a US distributor. (I'm assuming you're
in the US, but I realize that may not be a correct assumption.)
You can find out everything you need to know, including
downloading a 30-day trial version at www.autograph-math.com.
Bob Mathews (e-mail address removed)
Director of Training 830-990-9699
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType 5
Design Science, Inc. -- "How Science Communicates"
MathType, WebEQ, MathPlayer, MathFlow, Equation Editor, TeXaide

Graham Mayor

MB_ said:
I have a "powertoy graphing calculator" program that works well but I
cannot copy that screen.

You can copy any Windows screen with SnagIt, which I use to illustrate my
web page tutorials. I believe there's a demo - www.techsmith.com

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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would be interested in your reasons as to why you don't think a graph in
excel would suit your needs?
excel draws graphs (huge variety of them) / is easy to use (you can create a
graph with one keystroke - i'm not sure how much easier you could want) and
can be copied and pasted (or linked) into word again with only a couple of




I use Math Type for my equation editor. Works fabulously (I think this is
basically the same equation editor built into WORD, but I have the full

I want to graph a complicated function in the form y= f(x). I want to be
able to set the window and then copy the graph into WORD.

I can get graphs on say a TI -83 or similar graphing calculator. I also
think there is a cable and software where I can connect the TI to the
computer and then do a xfer to WORD. But I'd rather have a program that I
can open directly.




Can I do a function like y = f(x) (eg: y = ln(x)*sin(x) + x^2 ) and have
Excel graph it??

I didn't know it could do that




Interesting. Can I capture PART of a screen (Powertoy has the graph and
other stuff on the screen). Or does it capture it as a .jpg file? Then I can
probably use on of my photo programs to crop what I need.



OK --- forget my question --- I see that you can. Still, I'd prefer ONE
program that does a graph and allows me to copy/paste.



Hi Mel

the function itself is outside my experience of excel, but i would think it
might be possible - i would suggest posting the function and the question in
microsoft.public.excel.charting or go check out Jon Peltier's site for info
on graphs - http://www.peltiertech.com/




Actually, I figured out a way to do it.

I just put the x-values in the first column and the function values in the
second column and then do an XY plot.


Graham Mayor

You can capture all or part of a screen or any element on the screen, and
you can copy it to the clipboard or to a file in just about any graphics
format you want - including jpg. You will not need to crop using an external

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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