Word hang time



I have Vista and Word 2007. I work with multiple Word documents open and as I
switch between them there is an annoying hang time (hour glass and all). I
have McAfee and have tried turning off scanning of files - no help. Any ideas
of what the problem is would be most appreciated -- this only happens in Word
(not Publisher or Excel) an it is so irritating!

Herb Tyson [MVP]

I had the identical problem. In my case, it was being caused by the Acrobat
PDFMaker Office COM Addin. When I removed the check next to it, Word
instantly sped up when switching document windows (as well as when doing a
number of other operations).

Best of all, removing it didn't interfere with how I use Adobe Acrobat
Professional 7 in Word, since I always print to the .pdf printer driver to
create .pdf files.

If you have Acrobat (standard or pro), try unchecking it in the add-ins

Office > Word Options > Add-ins. At the bottom of the window, set Manage to
COM Add-ins, and click Go.

If it's not that particular add-in that's causing you grief, then try
selectively disabling others to see if unchecking one or more gets rid of
your delay.


Herb, you are a certifiable GENIUS -- hang time is now officially gone!!
Thank you so much. My only regret is that I didn't find this community months
ago. Such a simple fix but so hidden from me ;-) Thanks again!


It didn't even look like I changed anything but I clicked GO anyway and it
worked! Thanks for the help. I had just about given up troubleshooting on
my own.

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