Shane Benner
Word 2002 SP3 will often hang on me for sometimes minutes when opening, closing, or saving/editing a file on the network. This does not happen with any other Office product. Also, when this is happening, the hidden "shadow file" (starts with a ~) is not automatically deleted, so when I try to reopen the document, the computer still thinks the document is open and will only let me open a read-only version (unless I manually delete the shadow file). I have heard of one solution, which I tried: going into the system registry and creating/editing a value called cachesize under HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Office>10.0>Word>Options, and setting it to a larger value (say, 1024). This seemed to help some, but the problem still persists
Any suggestions would be great, and thanks for your time.
Any suggestions would be great, and thanks for your time.