Word hangs when opening/closing/saving to a file on the network


Shane Benner

Word 2002 SP3 will often hang on me for sometimes minutes when opening, closing, or saving/editing a file on the network. This does not happen with any other Office product. Also, when this is happening, the hidden "shadow file" (starts with a ~) is not automatically deleted, so when I try to reopen the document, the computer still thinks the document is open and will only let me open a read-only version (unless I manually delete the shadow file). I have heard of one solution, which I tried: going into the system registry and creating/editing a value called cachesize under HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Office>10.0>Word>Options, and setting it to a larger value (say, 1024). This seemed to help some, but the problem still persists

Any suggestions would be great, and thanks for your time.

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