Word has encountered a problem


John A

I get this message the first time I open a file in Word after Windows startup
using File/Open. If I restart Word it works OK and I don't see the error
again during that computer session.

The error does not occur if I open a file in Word using Recent Documents or
by double clicking on a file in Explorer. It only occurs on the first

I have tried the following:
- resetting the normal.dotm file
- turning of Microsoft Security Essentials
- running winword.exe as Administrator

Any suggestions?

The text of the error message is as follows - interesting that it says I am
trying to SAVE a file - I am trying to open it!:

"There is a problem saving the file.
Usually this is because the disk or floppy disk is too small for the file or
is full, RAM memory is low, or there is a permission problem with the drive
the file is being saved to.
If the amount of disk space for a paging file is low, save the file to
another drive. If the RAM memory is low, increase available RAM. If
permissions to the drive do not allow you to save to that drive, save the
file to another drive or request permissions from the administrator to save
files to the drive.
Note: This error can also occur if the computer is running a version of
antivirus software that is not compatible with the Microsoft Office system or
needs to be updated."

Intel dual Core 6600 2.7GHz, 2,7GHz, Windows 7 Home Premium x 32, Word 2007,
MSE, 2GB, plenty of space on C:

Terry Farrell

If this happens with File | Open, it suggests some bad link in Windows
Explorer. Have you any dead drive mapping or maybe you left a USB memory key
plugged in?

John A

Thanks Terry

No I don't have either of the issues you mentioned. The file loads OK even
though Word displays the error, then if I close Word and reopen it, the error
does not occur. The problem then does not occur until the next reboot.

I have similar setup on 2 x XP computers, no problems there with the same
files. It seems to be a W7 issue.

Terry Farrell

Possibly this then...

That's a symptom of a Word Data Key corruption - usually because Word has
been running when updates are installed.

Run Regedit and expand by double-clicking to the key below. With DATA
selected, press DELETE. Word will automatically recreate a new key when it
is restarted.


Symptoms of Data Key corruption include:

• The mouse does not work when you use Word.
• You cannot open a Word document from the Search window in Windows
• You cannot open a Word document from Windows Desktop Search.
• Word crashes when you try to start or exit Word.
• Word crashes when you open the Open dialog box.
• Word crashes when you save a document.
• Word crashes when you close a document.

If you feel uncomfortable editing the registry yourself, Microsoft have a
fix that will do this for you.
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/940791 and press FixIt


I tried that too and I went to Fix it and it FAILED!! Cos it said it was the wrong windows operating system!!!! I have win 7 and I have exactly the same problem as John had. I am not techy with this sort of thing and Im getting really angry with that continuous message coming up for Word!!!

Terry Farrell

The FixIt button works with Word 2007 and ANY supported version of Windows.
It sounds like you have a different problem or you are using a VERY strange
version of Windows.


Oh ok, im using Win 7 ultimate. I got messages like this

word could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable

You cant close microsoft word because a dialogue box is open. Click ok, switch to word then close the dialogue box

There is a problem saving the file
Usually this is because the disk or floppy disk is too small for the file or is full, RAM memory is low, or there is a permission problem with the drive the file is being saved to. If the amount of disk space for a paging file is low, save the file to another drive. If the RAM memory is low, increase available RAM. If permissions to the drive do not allow you to save to that drive, save the file to another drive or request permissions from the

administrator to save files to the drive
Note: This error can also occur if the computer is running a version of antivirus software that is not compatible with the Microsoft Office system or needs to be updated

These messages come up at all once whenever I open Word for the first time after each boot up, or when I open a Word doc in an attachment from an email, or when I attach a Word doc in an email.

Terry Farrell

That's a totally different problem. Sounds like that may be an over-active
Anti Virus. Are you using Norton AV or another type that has an Office
Plug-in option (Kasperskey is definitely another).



Aha! Im using Kapersky but I dont know how to stop it from affecting my windows office stuff like Word? Can u help me? Its a trial version at the moment

Terry Farrell

Sorry, but I don't use Kaspersky. You should be able to open Kaspersky and
find an option or setting to scan Office. If you cannot find the setting,
there should be a dedicated forum linked at Kaspersky support site. However,
my advice is to uninstall it completely and install the FREE Microsoft
Security Essentials which has been receiving some very good reviews.



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