Word hyperlinks not working



Using Word via Office 2003 - have used hyperlinks for almost 2 years w/o
problem, then all of the sudden my hyperlinks won't work. If I try to create
my own hyperlink (to another document is what I'm doing, but websites aren't
working either) OR if I receive a document with hyperlinks (to other docs), I
don't get the nice formatting (ie no text as designated and no blue
font/underline), but something like this: {HYPERLINK
"C:\\pathname\\filename.doc"}, and if I click on it the text there is no link
(I can use format/styles to make it have the blue/underline format, but it
still doesn't create a valid hyperlink). Even if I create a hyperlink and get
the {document path/name} text and then try to edit it to reflect the text I
want (select link, then right click, then "edit hyperlink" then modify the
"text to display" box, then "ok"), the text designating the hyperlink doesn't
change (nor does it work as a link). I did all the office/word upgrades and
it did not help (I even reinstalled Office - no luck).

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Press Alt+F9 to toggle the display from field codes (what you're seeing) and
field results.

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