Word in 2008 Office installed but won't open



Hi, i installed Student Teacher Office 2008 for Mac on my g-5, That worked fine. When I installed it (new product key) on the laptop, the program won't open. It says thread 0 crashed and apologizes. I'm stuck. I have no word processing now, as I deleted the old programs during the install. When I tried to reinstall 2008, the program used the already installed program somehow, although I had trashed it, and didn't reinstall anything. what I want to do, I think, is delete 2008 and reinstall X and 2004, as my 2004 is an upgrade.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

Hi, i installed Student Teacher Office 2008 for Mac on my g-5, That
worked fine. When I installed it (new product key) on the laptop, the
program won't open.

Did you have Office 2004 on the same Mac before??

You might want to trash some of the Office preference files to see if it
corrects the problem.



I did have Office 2004 on the same Mac. Where do I find the Office preference files? I've been looking for them, but they must be in disguise. Incidentally, I have no difficulty opening Powerpoint or Excel.



Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Holding down the shift key did the trick. You were all terrifically helpful. Thanks again.

Daiya Mitchell

Well, shift-launching means you can never customize your preferences, so
it's not a good long-term solution. When you have the time to
troubleshoot, use the three links to try to find the file that is
actually causing the problem.


Thanks for the three sites to check. I went back in this morning and can now open Word without the shift. I needed the first two links you sent me. I am very grateful.

Daiya Mitchell

Thanks for the confirmation of what worked--I've updated the page to
give people the next steps if shift-launching works.

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