Word in French


CA James

We purchased a computor with the Microsoft XP edition in
English. However, we now need the Word software in French
and the company, MDG, says that they do not have it
available. Is it possible to download the Word version in
French (i.e. thesaurus, spell check and grammatik)off the
Microsoft site or do we have to purchase it from a retail
outlet? If we can download it, where do I find it on the

Bill Cunningham

If all you are mainly looking for is spellcheck, the
thesaurus and grammar in French, you shouldn't have to
download anything new.

Just open Word and go to Tools/Language/Set Language.
There should be a drop down list containing several
different varieties of French. Whichever one you pick, the
spelling, gammar and thesaurus features will now work for
that language.

You can switch back and forth between languages at will.

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