Unfortunately the move/rename Normal.dotm may not work for you here because
Word has not been able to create one as yet - that may be the problem. In
order for the file to be created Word has to successfully launch at least
one time - my understanding is that it hasn't done so. (I don't believe the
Normal.dotm is created as a part of the installation, but honestly am not
sure.) As a result there is no file by that name, and even if there were it
would not be usable. So...
The question is "Why won't the original user account allow Word to create
the file?". If you have an answer to that it may solve the problem

since you can successfully install Office in a new user account it would
most likely be less trouble to go ahead & use it rather than trying to
troubleshoot & repair the uncooperative one. Crash on launch is historically
tied to a) permissions problems, b) add-in conflicts, c) corrupt Normal, and
d) update status. Since the last 2 are pretty much out of the question, I'd
suggest that you first run a permissions repair, restart your Mac & see if
that makes a difference.
Corrupt fonts may also be at play here & restarting will clear the caches,
but there could be a font problem in the original user account. Since I
haven't had the opportunity to install from the retail package as yet I'm
not certain whether Word needs the font stuff first or not, but it can't
hurt to validate your fonts just to be on the safe side. Font-related or not
the problem seems to be with that user account.
The only other suggestion I can offer would be to run Remove Office, repair
permissions, restart & attempt the installation again - but perhaps others
will have alternatives to offer.