word incorrectly auto-formatting on backspace



This is driving me crazy. I have a document where I've got everything
formatted as I want it (nothing crazy, just font and size). It contains a
mixture of regular paragraphs and outlined numbered lists. My problem is
that when I backspace from the begining of a non-list paragraph so that it
now becomes part of the end of the numbered list (or delete from then end of
an outline list) word reformats my entire outline numbered paragraph. I have
all of the list, style, and paragraph autoformat stuff turned off and it
still does it. It's like it's trying to set a style to a particular heading
type, changing my font size and sometimes type and I have to manually go back
and reformat everything. Very, very, annoying...

Pat Garard

G'Day Mbaycura,

When you apply a (paragraph) Style to a paragraph, that information is
stored "in" the Para marker at the end of the paragraph.

You are deleting the Para marker that stores the "List" Style, and appending
a paragraph with a Para marker that has the "non-List" Style.

This is neither Right nor Wrong - merely to be expected - you need to
handle it differently.

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