Word Insert Picture Size is a narrow box



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

I am trying to insert a JPEG into a word doc.

If I create a blank doc, and insert, and set layout to in-line, it works normally.

I am editting a document from someone else, when I insert the same picture, only a narrow slot at the bottom is visible, the black outline of the picture is correctly size, but overlays the text above rather than being positioned in-line.

I also tried inserting clip art with the same result. I also tried inserting the image as a PDF file, same result.

It's as if the rectangle defining the size of the image is the bottom 10% rather than the entire 100% image.

And quite annoying too.



So I found a weird work-around.

1. Create a blank document
2. Insert the image into that, formatted in-line
3. Put a blank line at the top and bottom
4. Select the two black lines and the image, and Copy.
5. Go back to the target document
6. Scroll to the end
7. Paste
8. Icon appears, click "Keep Source Formatting"
9. The narrow box goes away
10. Re-select and copy the image and blank lines
11. Paste it where you really want it.



Hi Bill -

I'd have to see it to be sure, but based on your description I'd say that
the only part of your "workaround" that's making any difference is step
#3:) If you check the Line spacing in the problem document you'll most
likely find that it is set to Exactly [some value] which is not sufficient
to display the image as In Line. The paragraphs you're pasting in along with
the image don't have that attribute so it has the leg room it needs.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


This is why you're an MVP!

This was exactly the problem - I'm using a template from someone else, by setting the line spacing to "Single" the image displays correctly.

Big thanks from Me. Bill.


Glad to be of service! But the MVP thing is just because they had a quota to
fill & couldn't find anyone else;-)

Phillip Jones

CyberTaz wrote:

Glad to be of service! But the MVP thing is just because they had a
quota to fill & couldn't find anyone else ;-)

John McGhie

He is sooooo full of it ... The MVP thing is because they were looking for
someone to blame, and Bob got it :)

Glad to be of service! But the MVP thing is just because they had a quota to
fill & couldn't find anyone else;-)

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]

John McGhie


Pull your head in, or you will be the next MVP on the chopping block :)

CyberTaz wrote:

Glad to be of service! But the MVP thing is just because they had a
quota to fill & couldn't find anyone else ;-)

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]

Phillip Jones, CET

You can't put mine on the Block. First its too big.
Second I'm not a MVP. I'm a VIH (very interested Helper ;-)

The reason I re posted is he never ever puts a space between his text and smileys
and in Mozilla products that convert smileys to graphics the won't unless there is
the space.

Some not as up on his style my think he has bad punctuation. :)

John said:

Pull your head in, or you will be the next MVP on the chopping block :)


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