word inserts hard return when printing



I have a user who uses the keyboard combination "alt+f+p" to print.
When the print dialog comes up, she immediately hits enter.
Occasionally, the print out will have an additional hard return in the
place where her cursor was when she printed the document. She doesn't
appear to be double-hitting the enter key, and I know her keyboard has
been replaced in the past few months. Even if she is double hitting
the enter key, I don't believe that the hard return inserted after she
prints the document would be included in the printed document. This is
definately a weird one. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks

Chad B.


Not sure why she is using Alt + F + P to print. I tried that and did
not get any additional hard returns in my document. All she has to do
to print is CTRL + P. Have her try that and see if it helps. Please
let me know if this resolves the issue.


she does alt+f+p so she can change printing options such as number of
copies, which pages to print, etc. I believe she does use alt+p when
she wants just one copy . . .


Sorry. I must be missing something because ALT + F bring up File on my
version which is 2003 and ALT + P doesn't do much of anything. I use
CTRL + P to print and you can select how many copies, selection, etc.
from right there.


You know what, you're right. I just assumed that ctrl+P would
automatically print the document. I will have her do ctrl+P instead.
Thanks for your help.

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