Word Invoice....HELP!!!!!



Can anyone help.....I want to create a Invioce within word
that would calculate above fields and and add Tax and
finally give the gross figure. Same as you would achieve
withon Excel. I do not want toinsert a table as I feel
this would be confusing to the user. Is there a field
that I can insert that would do the calculation for me in
the same way I would do in Excel.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the following

Please Fill Out This Form
Part 1: Create professional looking forms in Word

Part 2: Adding Automation to your Word forms.

Part 3: Learn more VBA (macros) to automate your forms.

Part 4: Use custom dialog boxes in your Word forms

Part 5: Connect your AutoForm to a database to save input time and keep
better records!

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


If you do not want to use VBA and forms, you can also
solve the problem with "Fields"
If you use a Table to insert the posts, you could use the
Insert.. menu and then Fields...
Select the "=(Formula)" option and fill in the equation
if you want to multiply the Value in the first(1) row
second(2) column with the value in first(1) row third(3)
column you insert the equation "=B1*C1" ,then select the
formatting for the field and "OK". Fill in the table and
mark the sum column and press "F9" to update fields. In
the bottom of your invoice you can sum up and multiply
with the tax..

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