Word is not displaying on screen



I do not know what has happen to Word 2003. When I open it I get and icon on
my taskbar but nothing else. If I right click on the icon to "Maximize" I
the blue title bar for Word descending the screen, but no Word. Same thing
if I minimize.

I appears that somehow Word got completly minimized to the rightside of the
screen, with nothing to grap to resize it back.

I tried to "Fix and Repair" from disk and still not luck. My other Office
products are worrking fine.

So can anyone out there help me please?

Graham Mayor

Right click the windows task bar, with only Word open, and select Cascade
Windows, which should bring it back into the display area.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Thank you for your help. I had already tried this at it does not work. I
have also tried to "Alt-Tab" and it does not even show that Word is open,
but it is on the taskbar.

Also it show a new document is open and if I type something in it will not
let me close Word. It looks like it wants input on it I want to Save of not.

I am thinknig that I might have to uninstall, then completly reinstall
Office. At least it was an orignal install and not an update so I do have
the CD.

Again, thanks for your help. I work for a Church and I need to get my Word
to work.

George R. Miller III

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