Word is sluggish


Victor G.

Word is sluggish. It is trying to do something in the background that slows
me donw.
For example: I am working in a five-page document with a few embedded
pictures and Word is just sluggish. Evrytime I type something in, it starts
crunching something in the background; I can not see the place holder until
Word has finished whatever it is doing.

While Word is stalling, one can see a little book icon turning its pages on
the left of the status bar at the bottom. When Word is finished whatever it
was doing, a red cross appears over the book.

I would like to stop this process, but I do not know how. I tried right
click on the book icon, and it opened the spell check options. But unchecking
the spell/grammar checks did not resolve the issue.

I opened the Windows Task Manager and I see WINWORD.EXE taking up ~50% of
the CPU activity (the other ~50% are taken by the System idle process).

Can any body help me to regain control of this runaway Word?

Thanks, Victor G.

Klaus Linke

Hi Victor,
While Word is stalling, one can see a little book icon turning its pages

Definitely looks like it's the spelling and grammar checker.
But unchecking the spell/grammar checks did not resolve the issue.

Maybe look again to make sure "Tools > Options > Spelling & Grammar > Check
spelling as you tyle" is not checked?

If you've let the spell checker finish once, the CPU usage should go down
(and the book icon should disappear). But I've heard some people report that
they had corrupt documents where it never managed to finish...


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