Word jammed or freezes


Samuel Han

when i open a 450 page word document, Word verifies its pages, but
when it reaches the page 221, it stops... sometimes it quits,
sometimes it just freezes.... so i have to "force quit"
anyone with a similar problem?
i cannot recover the content of this document cuz i cannot copy and
paste it in a new document, precisely cuz it quits before i can
backup.... or paste it in a new doc....
what coould i do?
im tired of Microsoft's bugs.... i wish i had bought the apple office
any help will be welcome and apreciated....

Beth Rosengard

Hi Samuel,

It's not Word's fault if there's corruption in a document! Also, it would
be helpful to know what your OS and Office/Word versions are and whether or
not they're fully updated. I'm going to assume that you're in X. If that's
not the case, post back.

My guess is there's a corrupt element on page 221, possibly a complex,
nested table. Try saving the document as a web page and then, without doing
anything to it, save it again as a Word document. That will remove general
document corruption but will not necessarily help if it's a corrupt element.

Also, try saving as Rich Text Format (RTF) and see if you can open it then.

If these procedures don't work, please post back with more information,
including the source of the document (who created it and on what platform).

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/WordMac/index.htm>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>

Jerry Stratton

It's not Word's fault if there's corruption in a document! Also, it would
My guess is there's a corrupt element on page 221, possibly a complex,
nested table.

So, you're guess is that it isn't Word's fault, because Word allowed him
to create an item so complex that Word can't handle it?



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