Word just freeze when try to open or save



When I try access command open or save from files menu in MS word, the
program just stop responding. Also,if I just open MS word and then close, it
freeze as well. Still can open any documents by diret-click it or select from
recently used, but when opened, can not save or even close the program as

All others ofiice programs, such as excel and powerpoint are work just fine..

Already tried repair and uninstall+reinstall but it still don't work. I'm
not install any news update or any programs, one day it just suddenly
freeze.. so i think this problems dosen't involved any other windows upgrade
or others programs.

Advise please, and thank you in advance

P.S. I'm use MS Office XP on Windows XP SP1

Terry Farrell

It suggests a dead mapped drive. Open Windows Explorer and check all the
drive mappings and delete any that are either dead or inaccessible.


Hi Terry

I already checked, but there is no any dead mapped drive and my computer is
standalone, dosen't has any type of network except Internet access.


It is open OK but it also freeze when i try to exit program.
I try to investigate and found out that it also freeze when I try to access
"save" tab in option from tools menu..

Hula Baloo

You may not've fixed kosmos' problem, but you sure zeroed in on MINE!
I'm running Word 2002 with all the latest patches on Windows XP
Media Edition with all the latest maintenance, and it was taking up to
40 seconds (on a fairly fast PC) just to navigate from one folder to
another in Word's Open dialog window. Deleting 4 dead mapped drives
totally eliminated the problem.
OK, so the problem is fixed (for me at least). But now I'm dying to
know WHY we have this problem with Word 2002. It didn't affect Wordpad,
MS Works word processor, or ANY other apps on my system, and it didn't
affect Word 2000 either. So, while you could possibly say users
shouldn't have dead mapped drives, it just seems to me like this is an
undocumented problem unique to Word 2002 that MS ought to fix. If
they're going to slow our productivity to a slow crawl, shouldn't they
at least put out a message telling us WHY? Further, since this problem
only occurs with Word 2002, it is readily apparent that whoever coded
the Open dialog for this program obviously did something stupid that no
other program I know of has ever done. Therefore it seems to this tired
and ragged paying customer that MS really ought to fix this. I hate to
tell you how much time I've wasted tracking this problem down, and you
have to believe others are having the same experience; many of whom will
never figure it out. Doesn't that make sense to you?
Me I'm a day older and wiser because in the future I will always come
here before I spend days trying this, that, and the other. Thank God
for folks like you. Do you think we could convince MS to provide a KB
article and hotfix for this? Sure would be nice, wouldn't it!

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