Word keeps intermittingly pausing



As I am typing, word keeps pausing and putting up the hour glass sign every two seconds or so. It also puts some sort of a tool bar in the upper left hand corner of the workspace that I have not seen before

I am running office xp. Any help with resolving this would be much appreciated.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QnJpYW4=?=,
As I am typing, word keeps pausing and putting up the hour glass sign every two seconds or so. It also puts some sort of a tool bar in the upper left hand corner of the workspace that I have not seen before.
What's the name on the toolbar?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)

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There is no name on the toolbar, but as I did some poking arund through the customizes options, I found some of the icon buttons and they belong to the Select Browse Object Menu - so I guess that would be the name of the toolbar. To clarify, it is very small and in a right angle at the top left corner of the workspace where you would be typing. Basically an upside down L in the left hand corner that pops up as I am typing. This makes Word delay my typing as it changes the cursor into the hourglass. It continues to do this over and over.

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