Word License & Software



Any suggestions for getting a dozen legal copies of word. Does MS still
sell licenses for 97 products. Do I need to buy them on ebay?

Thanks - Matt



Microsoft's official answer to this would be something like: if you purchase
a current equivalent version of Office, it licences you to install any
previous version of Office. So if you want Office 97 PRO, then purchase
Office 2003 PRO licences and then you are legal to user and version of
Office PRO.

It may be tempting to buy from eBAY, but from a legal point of view (and I
guess that 'legality' is your purpose), you would have to be very careful
that the package offered is absolutely genuine, unopened, unregistered and
retail - NOT OEM. I doubt that this long after Off 97 became extinct that
there are any copies that would fall into this legal position.

You should still be able to get hold of Office 2002 (XP) retail packs and
possibly at a bargain price - but be careful to make sure that they are

: Any suggestions for getting a dozen legal copies of word. Does MS still
: sell licenses for 97 products. Do I need to buy them on ebay?
: Thanks - Matt
: ------------------------------------------------
: [/url]

Andre Da Costa

Recently I read on a website, that Microsoft was discontuing some of their
software products which editions of Office XP that contained Java, its also
certainly possible that Word 97 is a part of this, I would recommend, buying
from a third party source such as E-bay and going to websites such as Price
Watch to get the lowest prices.

I think I would have better luck though going with Word 2002 licenses unless
you are will to provide the support for those Word 97 licenses, since
support for it is almost over.

Andre Da Costa
Jamaica WI.

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