Word list to Excel



I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts


Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't told us anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing anything about the list it's hard to say.


It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

macropod said:
Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't told us
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Wickiup said:
I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts

Shane Devenshire


1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click Copy
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire

Wickiup said:
It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

macropod said:
Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't told us
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Wickiup said:
I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts


I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one cell.
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for
exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Jim Curts

Shane Devenshire said:

1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click Copy
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire

Wickiup said:
It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

macropod said:
Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't told
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts

Ron Rosenfeld

I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one cell.
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for
exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Are you "selecting one cell" as per what Shane wrote? Or are you, perhaps,
selecting the function bar at the top (i.e. placing your cursor in the function
bar) before hitting <paste>?

If you do the latter, you will wind up with everything in the one cell.


Dave Peterson

I'm not sure how you're pasting...

Are you in edit mode--or pasting into the formula bar?

If no to both those, try opening NotePad and then pasting there. Then copy from
notepad and paste into excel.

I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one cell.
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for
exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Jim Curts

Shane Devenshire said:

1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click Copy
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire

Wickiup said:
It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't told
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts


I opened a cell in Excel and pasting there.

I found an old online workaround of saving the Word file as an .mht file
then exporting to Excel and it worked fine with eah entry in it's own cell.

I am sure there are better methods and I am interested in hearing of them
but this was quick and got me moving on.

Thank you

Jim Curts

Wickiup said:
I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one cell.
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for
exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Jim Curts

Shane Devenshire said:

1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click Copy
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire

Wickiup said:
It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't
told us
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts


Hi Wickiup,

The *simple* way is to:
.. copy the list then
.. click on whatever Excel cell you want to use as the starting point and paste the list.
Provided you don't paste into the formula bar (which is what you seem to be doing), every line in the list will go onto a new row.

The only possible reason I can think of for the above not working is if you've used a narrow paragraph margin to force each word to
wrap to a new line, rather than having each line separated by a line-feed or return character. Only in that case, or by selecting
the formula bar, would everything go into one cell.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Wickiup said:
I opened a cell in Excel and pasting there.

I found an old online workaround of saving the Word file as an .mht file
then exporting to Excel and it worked fine with eah entry in it's own cell.

I am sure there are better methods and I am interested in hearing of them
but this was quick and got me moving on.

Thank you

Jim Curts

Wickiup said:
I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one cell.
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Jim Curts

Shane Devenshire said:

1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click Copy
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire


It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't told us
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts


I copied and pasted this list off of a web page into cell A1 in Excel.
Not sure what the formatting was but there was no crowding or other physical

When time is not of the essence as it was then I will play with files of
known origine.
The suggestion of pasting it into Note Pad and recopying it may have been
plumb valid as it would have stripped away any unwaned formatting

I just thought of the .mht format method and it worked for me.

Jim Curts

macropod said:
Hi Wickiup,

The *simple* way is to:
. copy the list then
. click on whatever Excel cell you want to use as the starting point and
paste the list.
Provided you don't paste into the formula bar (which is what you seem to
be doing), every line in the list will go onto a new row.

The only possible reason I can think of for the above not working is if
you've used a narrow paragraph margin to force each word to wrap to a new
line, rather than having each line separated by a line-feed or return
character. Only in that case, or by selecting the formula bar, would
everything go into one cell.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Wickiup said:
I opened a cell in Excel and pasting there.

I found an old online workaround of saving the Word file as an .mht file
then exporting to Excel and it worked fine with eah entry in it's own

I am sure there are better methods and I am interested in hearing of them
but this was quick and got me moving on.

Thank you

Jim Curts

Wickiup said:
I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one cell.
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for
exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Jim Curts

message Hi,

1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire


It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't
told us
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts


In your original post, you said "I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file". Now you're saying "I copied and pasted this list
off of a web page". You can't really expect help with data from a web page when you tell us it's a list in a Word document.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Wickiup said:
I copied and pasted this list off of a web page into cell A1 in Excel.
Not sure what the formatting was but there was no crowding or other physical hinderances.

When time is not of the essence as it was then I will play with files of known origine.
The suggestion of pasting it into Note Pad and recopying it may have been plumb valid as it would have stripped away any unwaned

I just thought of the .mht format method and it worked for me.

Jim Curts

macropod said:
Hi Wickiup,

The *simple* way is to:
. copy the list then
. click on whatever Excel cell you want to use as the starting point and paste the list.
Provided you don't paste into the formula bar (which is what you seem to be doing), every line in the list will go onto a new

The only possible reason I can think of for the above not working is if you've used a narrow paragraph margin to force each word
to wrap to a new line, rather than having each line separated by a line-feed or return character. Only in that case, or by
selecting the formula bar, would everything go into one cell.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Wickiup said:
I opened a cell in Excel and pasting there.

I found an old online workaround of saving the Word file as an .mht file
then exporting to Excel and it worked fine with eah entry in it's own cell.

I am sure there are better methods and I am interested in hearing of them
but this was quick and got me moving on.

Thank you

Jim Curts

I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one cell.
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Jim Curts


1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click Copy
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire


It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the page.
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't told us
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts


It was definitely a long list of words in a Word 2007 file that I was trying
to export to Excel 2007.
So I did expect help and indeed got some very good help here and on the Word
Lists generally originate somewhere and this one just happened to originate
on the web.

Not too incomprehensible one would think. The issue arose by it not being
formatted as I thought coupled with the fact I had just converted to 2007
Office and was not familiar with either the menus or possible issues.

I actually resolved the issue by resorting to a round about method because
time was of the essence. Henceforth I will know how best to handle it due to
the very good help and hints I received. I can only assume some recognized
that I was dealing with an odd situation and kept feeding hints or queries
until I could resolve the issue.

Thanks for your concern.

Jim Curts

macropod said:
In your original post, you said "I have a long list of words in a Word
2007 file". Now you're saying "I copied and pasted this list off of a web
page". You can't really expect help with data from a web page when you
tell us it's a list in a Word document.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Wickiup said:
I copied and pasted this list off of a web page into cell A1 in Excel.
Not sure what the formatting was but there was no crowding or other
physical hinderances.

When time is not of the essence as it was then I will play with files of
known origine.
The suggestion of pasting it into Note Pad and recopying it may have been
plumb valid as it would have stripped away any unwaned formatting

I just thought of the .mht format method and it worked for me.

Jim Curts

macropod said:
Hi Wickiup,

The *simple* way is to:
. copy the list then
. click on whatever Excel cell you want to use as the starting point and
paste the list.
Provided you don't paste into the formula bar (which is what you seem to
be doing), every line in the list will go onto a new row.

The only possible reason I can think of for the above not working is if
you've used a narrow paragraph margin to force each word to wrap to a
new line, rather than having each line separated by a line-feed or
return character. Only in that case, or by selecting the formula bar,
would everything go into one cell.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I opened a cell in Excel and pasting there.

I found an old online workaround of saving the Word file as an .mht
then exporting to Excel and it worked fine with eah entry in it's own

I am sure there are better methods and I am interested in hearing of
but this was quick and got me moving on.

Thank you

Jim Curts

I can paste the list into Excel 2007 but it all remains in the one
Also only a tiny portion of the info gets transfered.

It seems we used to be able to save things like this in csv format for
exporting but I can't figure theat out either.
New to this 2007 thing and struggling a bit.

Not sure where else to look for help.

Jim Curts

in message Hi,

1. If there is just one word per line, select all the word and click
2. Switch to Excel, select a cell and click the Paste button

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire


It is a simple list of words set down the left hand side of the
Just one word after the other with no punctuation.


And so forth

Jim Curts

Hi Wickiup,

That depends on how the list is laid out in Word - and you haven't
told us
anything about that.

It may be no more difficult than Copy & Paste, but without knowing
anything about the list it's hard to say.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I have a long list of words in a Word 2007 file.

How do I convert this to something I can export to Excel?


Jim Curts

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