Word Mac to Windows


Tony Brown

Sent word document from home (Mac Word v.X) to work (Word
2000). Received via e-mail (Lotus Notes). Sent file is one
page of text/table; I don't know the size but would assume
it is less than 10 kbyte. Recieved file is 57 kb with
a .doc ending and a second document Mime.txt. Word 2000
opens when I try to lauch the .doc document but does not
know what to do with the received document - it wants to
convert the file. A Word screen comes up that says File
Conversion and asks me to "Choose the encoding to use for
loading this file." And the system automatically selects
Unicode (UTF-8)

Shouldn't this MSWord file be compatible with either the
Mac or Windows 2000 Professional systems?

This is rather upsetting after purchasing the Office Suite
because it is purportedly compatible across the
Mac/Windows interface.

What do I do to open this document at work?

PS. I've sent documents the other direction (from Word
2000 to Mac v.X) and things work fine - the Mac opens the
MSWord file without hesitation.

Elliott Roper

Tony Brown said:
Sent word document from home (Mac Word v.X) to work (Word
2000). Received via e-mail (Lotus Notes). Sent file is one
page of text/table; I don't know the size but would assume
it is less than 10 kbyte. Recieved file is 57 kb with
a .doc ending and a second document Mime.txt. Word 2000
opens when I try to lauch the .doc document but does not
know what to do with the received document - it wants to
convert the file. A Word screen comes up that says File
Conversion and asks me to "Choose the encoding to use for
loading this file." And the system automatically selects
Unicode (UTF-8)

Shouldn't this MSWord file be compatible with either the
Mac or Windows 2000 Professional systems?

This is rather upsetting after purchasing the Office Suite
because it is purportedly compatible across the
Mac/Windows interface.

What do I do to open this document at work?

PS. I've sent documents the other direction (from Word
2000 to Mac v.X) and things work fine - the Mac opens the
MSWord file without hesitation.

I suspect your e-mail programs are not co-operating.
If you have drop-zip (Aladdin systems, part of the Stuffit kit) try
zipping the word file first. If you have panther already, I think there
is a free zip utility in it.
Which mail client are you using on your Mac? I know for certain that
Eudora and Apple's own Mail.app can send word docs to PC's with ease.
Make sure you send mail as plain text. Avoid Apple's 'rich text' (see
the composing pane in preferences)

Mail me a test file if you want to chop the problem in half.

Tim Murray

If you're using Lotus Notes for Mac, go to Notes > Preferences > Location
Preferences > Mail tab, and set your "format for messages addressed to
internet address" to MIME.

But, if it's an internal Notes address, Notes "should" have dealt with it
okay. Works for me, anyway, and I'm the sole Mac guy in a company of 3000
Windows users. The only problem I ever have is some times people get a
resource and a data fork, and I have to tell them to use the data fork.

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