Word:mac vX



I am unable to "save" or "save as" any new documents in this

When I click on either option the applcation quits, and I receive the
message "The Application Microsoft Word has unexpectedly quit." and,
Would you like to submit a bug report to Apple? Which I have done.

I have installed the Office X 10.1.9 Update.

Anyone else have this problem or have a suggestion?

This program is on an IMac G5 powerpc.




It sounds like Word is having a problem communicating with the OS - it's
what is responsible for the save operations. You might try running Disk
Utility - Repair Disk Permissions first to see if that makes a difference.

If not, whatever version of OS X you're running I'd suggest applying (or
reapplying) the latest *combo* update from the Apple web site, then repair
permissions & see if that resolves the problem.

There could also be a problem with the HD itself, so it wouldn't hurt to run
Disk Utility - Verify Disk & proceed accordingly if any errors are found.


Thank you Bob,
I have run the disk utility both to verify and repair permissions,
shut down and rebooted.
I'm running OSX v. 10.3.9.
I'm currently downloading the last combo update to see if that will do
anything, following with your suggestion to repair permissions again.
I didn't find any errors before.
I'll post again if/when I find the solution.
Thanks again,


I just applied the last version of combo update for X v10.3.9, and the
most recent security update.
Word still shuts down when attempting to save a new document, using
both drop down menu or button for "save as."


a suggestion from my son, an experienced mac user, solved the problem:

Library>Application Support>Microsoft and

i removed the Word.plist to a desktop folder, and when i restarted
Word i was able to save as once again.


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