Oci-One Kanubi
The subject tries to say it all. I can do a
"For all objVarb in doc.InlineShapes
MsgBox objVarb.OLEFormat.ClassType, vbOKonly
Next objVarb"
to discover the object type of the four pie charts in the document,
but I cannot discover the indices to reference them as
Without knowing the InlineShapes indices, my code cannot tell which of
the four pie charts is which.
THEN, if once I discover which is which, I cannot find any way to
place data in the associated Datasheets, since I cannot determine the
properties of the OLEFormat object. Looks like maybe I need a DoVerb
(heh, heh. Microsoft kludges again!) but I've never used DoVerb, and
I cannot find any listing of the verbs that might apply to an
OLEFormat object of the type MSGraph.Chart.8. I know how to reference
cells in an Excel document, but that knowlege does not seem to
transfer to Word/Chart programming.
This document is a monthly report rendered to 15 different sites. The
macro reads a different tab-text file for each site, and does a simple
search-and replace for the 160 or so values in tables and for three
values in textboxes on a graphic canvas, but the MS Word and MS Visual
BASIC online documentation just do not seem to offer me anything
about OLEFormat objects, and I hate to tell my users that they will
have to continue to cut and paste the 50 or so Graph Datasheet values.
Thanks for any insights on how to reference (A) each graph, and (B)
the datasheet cells,
-- Richard
Richard Hopley, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
rhopley[at]earthlink[dot]net 1-301-775-0471
Nothing really matters except Boats, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll.
rhople[at]wfubmc[dot]edu 1-336-713-5077
OK, OK; computer programming for scientific research also matters.
"For all objVarb in doc.InlineShapes
MsgBox objVarb.OLEFormat.ClassType, vbOKonly
Next objVarb"
to discover the object type of the four pie charts in the document,
but I cannot discover the indices to reference them as
Without knowing the InlineShapes indices, my code cannot tell which of
the four pie charts is which.
THEN, if once I discover which is which, I cannot find any way to
place data in the associated Datasheets, since I cannot determine the
properties of the OLEFormat object. Looks like maybe I need a DoVerb
(heh, heh. Microsoft kludges again!) but I've never used DoVerb, and
I cannot find any listing of the verbs that might apply to an
OLEFormat object of the type MSGraph.Chart.8. I know how to reference
cells in an Excel document, but that knowlege does not seem to
transfer to Word/Chart programming.
This document is a monthly report rendered to 15 different sites. The
macro reads a different tab-text file for each site, and does a simple
search-and replace for the 160 or so values in tables and for three
values in textboxes on a graphic canvas, but the MS Word and MS Visual
BASIC online documentation just do not seem to offer me anything
about OLEFormat objects, and I hate to tell my users that they will
have to continue to cut and paste the 50 or so Graph Datasheet values.
Thanks for any insights on how to reference (A) each graph, and (B)
the datasheet cells,
-- Richard
Richard Hopley, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
rhopley[at]earthlink[dot]net 1-301-775-0471
Nothing really matters except Boats, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll.
rhople[at]wfubmc[dot]edu 1-336-713-5077
OK, OK; computer programming for scientific research also matters.