Word Macro


Poppa Rotzee

When I open Word 2007 I get a "macro" error. I have to click the error
message about 4 or 5 times before it goes away. Then when I open a file I
have to go through the same thing again. I printed out the suggestions about
"Trust center" to make it stop, disabled macros but that doesn't make any
difference. How can I make this annoying error go away and never come back
again? Thanks.

Patrick Schmid [MVP]


Poppa Rotzee

Patrick, I reinstalled office and included the "tools" and "shared
whatever." I hadn't installed them before. The message was telling me that
something hadn't been installed by choice (content and controls). I am not
getting the message now but if I recall correctly I didn't get it, on the
earlier install, until I had opened Word a few times. I guess I will just
have to wait and see. Thanks for your reply.

Patrick Schmid said:
What does it exactly say in the dialog that states that it is a macro

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues: http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/11/13/80
Customize Office 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/customize
RibbonCustomizer Add-In: http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer
OneNote 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog: http://pschmid.net/blog/feed

When I open Word 2007 I get a "macro" error. I have to click the error
message about 4 or 5 times before it goes away. Then when I open a file I
have to go through the same thing again. I printed out the suggestions
"Trust center" to make it stop, disabled macros but that doesn't make any
difference. How can I make this annoying error go away and never come
again? Thanks.

Beth Melton

What instructions did you use?

If the macro error message occurs when you start Word the likely cause is an
add-in. In the Word Options, click Add-ins and note the Active Application
Add-ins. Do you see any that may have something to do with the error message
you encountered? If so, what is the name and what type of add-in it?

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Co-author of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

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