Since a recent udpate that Office prompted me to do, none of my Macros
work - they have all disappeared. And no new ones I record seem to work
The Macro I am absolutely desperate to recreate is one that does a
plain text paste. Previously I had one that looked like this:
Sub PlainPaste()
' PlainPaste Macro
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteText,
Placement:=_wdlnLine, DisplayAslcon:=False
End Sub
It no longer works, and I get a Syntax Error. I tried re-recording one
(by going to Editaste Specialaste as Unformatted Text) but it
doesn't work either. When I perform the action during recording, it
does a plain text paste. When I try to run the Macro, all the original
formatting is still there. This is what the new Macro looks like:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdPasteDefault)
End Sub
If someone could help I would be really grateful, I am desperate to get
this working again. I used to map it to Command+V effectively making my
regular paste a plain text/unformatted one. Now I'm stuck using Menus
(I also posted this at MacFixitForums, then saw the link to this group).
work - they have all disappeared. And no new ones I record seem to work
The Macro I am absolutely desperate to recreate is one that does a
plain text paste. Previously I had one that looked like this:
Sub PlainPaste()
' PlainPaste Macro
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteText,
Placement:=_wdlnLine, DisplayAslcon:=False
End Sub
It no longer works, and I get a Syntax Error. I tried re-recording one
(by going to Editaste Specialaste as Unformatted Text) but it
doesn't work either. When I perform the action during recording, it
does a plain text paste. When I try to run the Macro, all the original
formatting is still there. This is what the new Macro looks like:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdPasteDefault)
End Sub
If someone could help I would be really grateful, I am desperate to get
this working again. I used to map it to Command+V effectively making my
regular paste a plain text/unformatted one. Now I'm stuck using Menus
(I also posted this at MacFixitForums, then saw the link to this group).