Word Macro's With VBA



Why are there so many books on Excel programming with VBA and not for
Word? Can you recommend a few texts that are both a reference and an
educational text for Word for VBA?


NZ VBA Developer

It got mixed reviews on Amazon, but I like 'Writing Word Macros' by Steven
Roman. Using this book together with the VBA help and some basic programming
skills (obtained at Uni in 1982!), I've been able to pretty much work out a
solution to just about any problem - my first post in this forum not
withstanding ;-).


For books:

---My all-time favorite book, and the one that got me into VBA Word
programming is Word 2000 Vba Programmer's Reference (out of print, but still
sells at Amazon, $8.50, Paperback, written in 1999).
---Then there is Microsoft Office 2000 Visual Basic Programmer's Guide and
---Wrox Word 2000 VBA: Word 2000 VBA Programmer's Reference by Duncan
Mackenzie and Felipe Martins.

As for on-line resources, aside from Doug's mentioned excellent MVP site,
and of course this MS OnLine Community site some of my favorites are:

---VBA Function List (for Access, but can be used inside MS Word)

---Code Snippets for VB Programmers

---WOPR Star Posts (also check subsections for MS Word and VBA)

old man


Its a market (lack of demand) issue. Corporate America realizes that they
need professionals to write Excel VBA to monitor trades/financial ops/etc but
they they feel that 'anyone' can word with Word and write macros. There are
not that many (compared to Excel) really large apps. Its a shame because Word
VBA is so powerful...

old man


Very wise words...

At http:/emrupdate.com I uploaded out a free electronic medical record
("EMR", the MS Word EMR Project) system based on a front end MS Word platform
and a backend set of MS Access Jet 4.0 tables. It has it's own internal
scheduler, does prescriptions, it prints out all sorts of reports, and
although since 2004 it has been downloaded approximately 3000 times, in the
EMR discussions at that site folks really look down on using the MS Word
platform as not being a "real" EMR. It's like the Rodney Dangerfield of
EMRs... no respect, I say!

Only recently with the addition of Gil Carter (Ten Second Medical Record)
and Joe Buckle (the author of the other MS Word EMR, "MedTemps") have the
discussions become more lively and MS Word-focused... and I dare say, more

In my medical office I do use a MS Access based EMR, but I have the MS Word
version utilizing the same backend tables and is easier to bring up on my
hospital rounds, using a USB thumbdrive!


BTW, for those interested in my free downloads, s.a. the MS Word EMR
Project, the charge capture utility, the scheduler, and the hyperlink utility
for API searches, check out
http://www.emrupdate.com/files/folders/al_borges/default.aspx. Don't worry if
some of the 12 downloadable files there say "MS Access"- they all apply to
the MS Word platform (as demonstrated by the MS Word EMR Project).
Discussions concerning the above MS Word EMRs can be searched for using the
emrupdate.com search utility.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I was once commissioned by a person who provided training courses to
employees of various organisations who wanted a training tracking system
developed and, above my protests, insisted that it be done it Word. As a
result, I developed a pretty much fully relational database system that used
tables in a Word document for storage of all of the data that was accessed
by a multipage UserForm. It did all of the things that he wanted it to do -
like sorting entries in a multi-column listbox by any of the columns, etc.
BUT it ran like a dog.

As a result, I got to do the whole thing again in Access.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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