Anne Barounos
I've done mailmerges before using "Select from Outlook Contacts" as the
database source for the merge, but this time, when I click on Choose Contacts
Folder, the particular Contacts Folder that I want to use (which is most
certainly there in Outlook, under Contacts) does NOT appear in the list of
Contacts Folders from which to select. Several other of my Contact Folders
do appear, but not this one, nor a few others that I may wish to mail merge
with soon. Any ideas why?
database source for the merge, but this time, when I click on Choose Contacts
Folder, the particular Contacts Folder that I want to use (which is most
certainly there in Outlook, under Contacts) does NOT appear in the list of
Contacts Folders from which to select. Several other of my Contact Folders
do appear, but not this one, nor a few others that I may wish to mail merge
with soon. Any ideas why?