If you need to be able to select arbitrary pages or sections and produce
multiple copies, as your Subject line suggests, there's pnly one sensible
way IMO: output your merges to new documents, then use the Print Dialog box
to specify what you want to print (you can specify sections such as "s1-s3")
and the copy count.
However, if you know in advance what you want (say, 3 copies of each letter
produced from mailmerge main document abc.doc, 2 copies from mail merge main
document def.doc, etc.) then
a. the simplest way is undoubtedly to duplicate the text and fields in your
mail merge main document the number of times you need, then merge that,
unless you have to use fields such as { NEXT }
b. assuming that "I don't want to duplicate docs." means that you don't
want to do (a) (it wasn't at all clear what it meant) then you could either
- create a Word macro to perform each merge the number of times you need
or merge to a new document and print it the number of times you need
- create a Word macro that performs the number of merges you want for
each record in your data source. However, that will only work for certain
merge types and the code I have only works where there's a one-one
correspondence between a record in the data source and an output document
such as a letter. But if you want the code, search Google Groups for recent
postings containing
Peter Jamieson activerecord
or ask.
Peter Jamieson