After debating how to get my final report output, it looks like using Word
Automation is the best way.
On the advice of a previous post (thanks to Peter Hibbs) , I created the
module shown below. I ensured the references for Microsoft Word xx.0 (I am
runnung MS Word 9.0) and DAO 3.6 Object library are checked in the "Tools" /
"References" menu.
However when I run the module, I get the error:
"Compile error sub or function not defined"
with the Debug highlighting
could anyone advise what I am doing wrong?
Public Sub PrintappmntLetter(vID As Long, vFilename As String)
'Print personalised letter using MS Word
'Entry (vID) holds unique ID of record to be printed
' (vFilename) holds pathname of document to be printed
'Ensure that these references are active-
'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Microsoft Word xx.0 Object Library (xx = your version of Word)
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim rst As Recordset
On Error GoTo ErrorCode
'Start MS Word and open specified document
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Documents.Add vFilename
objWord.ScreenUpdating = False
'Fetch data for specified record from table
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " _
& "FROM tblMembers WHERE ID = " & vID)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ctitle]", Nz(rst!Title)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FName]", Nz(rst!firstname)
ReplaceText objWord, "[LName]", Nz(rst!surname)
ReplaceText objWord, "[CDOB]", Nz(rst!clDOB)
ReplaceText objWord, "[DateAcc]", Nz(rst!AccDate)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertDet]", Nz(rst!Expert)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertQuals]", Nz(rst!expquals)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd1]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr1)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd2]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr2)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd3]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr3)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAddPC]", Nz(rst!SurgeryPostCode)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertPhone]", Nz(rst!ExpPhone)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd1]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr1)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd2]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr2)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd3]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr3)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAddPC]", Nz(rst!ClaimPostCode)
'add other fields here, as reqd
Set rst = Nothing
objWord.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
objWord.ScreenUpdating = True
objWord.Visible = True
Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceText(obj As Word.Application, vSource As String,
vDest As String)
'Replace all occurences of vSource with vDest in Word doc
obj.ActiveDocument.Content.Find.Execute FindText:=vSource, _
ReplaceWith:=vDest, Format:=True, _
End Sub
Automation is the best way.
On the advice of a previous post (thanks to Peter Hibbs) , I created the
module shown below. I ensured the references for Microsoft Word xx.0 (I am
runnung MS Word 9.0) and DAO 3.6 Object library are checked in the "Tools" /
"References" menu.
However when I run the module, I get the error:
"Compile error sub or function not defined"
with the Debug highlighting
could anyone advise what I am doing wrong?
Public Sub PrintappmntLetter(vID As Long, vFilename As String)
'Print personalised letter using MS Word
'Entry (vID) holds unique ID of record to be printed
' (vFilename) holds pathname of document to be printed
'Ensure that these references are active-
'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Microsoft Word xx.0 Object Library (xx = your version of Word)
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim rst As Recordset
On Error GoTo ErrorCode
'Start MS Word and open specified document
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Documents.Add vFilename
objWord.ScreenUpdating = False
'Fetch data for specified record from table
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " _
& "FROM tblMembers WHERE ID = " & vID)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ctitle]", Nz(rst!Title)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FName]", Nz(rst!firstname)
ReplaceText objWord, "[LName]", Nz(rst!surname)
ReplaceText objWord, "[CDOB]", Nz(rst!clDOB)
ReplaceText objWord, "[DateAcc]", Nz(rst!AccDate)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertDet]", Nz(rst!Expert)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertQuals]", Nz(rst!expquals)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd1]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr1)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd2]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr2)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd3]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr3)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAddPC]", Nz(rst!SurgeryPostCode)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertPhone]", Nz(rst!ExpPhone)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd1]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr1)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd2]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr2)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd3]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr3)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAddPC]", Nz(rst!ClaimPostCode)
'add other fields here, as reqd
Set rst = Nothing
objWord.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
objWord.ScreenUpdating = True
objWord.Visible = True
Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceText(obj As Word.Application, vSource As String,
vDest As String)
'Replace all occurences of vSource with vDest in Word doc
obj.ActiveDocument.Content.Find.Execute FindText:=vSource, _
ReplaceWith:=vDest, Format:=True, _
End Sub