Word not handling large document properly


Emyr Pugh

I have a large document in word that contains a number of multi column tables
and a lot of text (135,000 words) spread over 455 pages. When Word loads the
document it will work effectively for four second bursts and then freeze
completely for four seconds and then work fine for four seconds and so on.
The CPU usage in the Task Manager will jump up to 100% every time the
inactivity sets in and then drop to normal (again at four second intervals).
I've found a way to get around this - by installing Word 2007 and Word 2003
on the same machine. Then sometimes it works fine immediately after start
up, but sometimes not. In the cases where Word 2007 doesn't work first time,
I can again work around this problem by closing it, opening the said document
in Word 2003, closing the document but keeping 2003 open and then reopening
the document in Word 2007 and it will work fine (but will sometimes revert to
the aforementioned weird behaviour after an unspecified amount of time -
sometimes an hour sometimes four). This is extremely irritating. Does anybody
know a way to solve this problem or has anyone encountered this in the past
or even have any ideas why it might happen? Have I surpassed some hidden
upper limit for Word Documents?

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