Word not importing my graphics in wmf or cdr formats



I created B&W drawings of pictures in CorelDraw. I saved
them as .cdr files and also exported them as .wmf files
specifically to use in Word documents. The problem is
when I try to insert a .wmf file into a word document on
my computer it produces nothing or a tiny box filled with
a few dots. Word also gives me an unspecified error when
inserting .cdr graphic files. It says "an error occurred
while importing this file". It says nothing of the file
I saved these files to a CD and took them to another
computer where they import just fine into a Word
document. What gives on my computer?

Thanks in advance.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Charlene,

There are a couple of things that could be going on.

The filter for Corel Drawings, handles up to version 6
and then version 9 CDRs, is not a default install.
From Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Contorl Panel
choose the Microsoft Word or Office choice to be sure
the additional converter is installed.

I forgot to mention I am using Word 2000 Pro, and Windows
XP Home edition.
-----Original Message-----
I created B&W drawings of pictures in CorelDraw. I saved
them as .cdr files and also exported them as .wmf files
specifically to use in Word documents. The problem is
when I try to insert a .wmf file into a word document on
my computer it produces nothing or a tiny box filled with
a few dots. Word also gives me an unspecified error when
inserting .cdr graphic files. It says "an error occurred
while importing this file". It says nothing of the file
I saved these files to a CD and took them to another
computer where they import just fine into a Word
document. What gives on my computer?

Thanks in advance.>>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Charlene,

What version of Corel Draw are you using
and what version of .CDR are you saving as
(not all versions and features are supported)

Is there a reason that you're using .CDR format
as the 'save as' in Corel Draw for use with a
Word document?

I did that. It still will not import a cdr file. Any
other ideas??
Charlene >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Natasha Jones

Hello Charlene,

Why do you want to insert the image as a Cdr file? In my experience, even if
Word filter will accept them, they would probably cause difficulties re:
file size.

I work for a practice of landscape architects, and we use CorelDraw for the
majority of our drawings now. We also have to get these images into our Word
documents and PowerPoint presentations. We have resorted to exporting the
cdr files as jpegs in order to do so - this keeps the files at a low size,
but clear enough resolution for our purposes, and they can be inserted into
Word, PPT, etc. There will be various settings you can use for the jpeg
export to adjust quality, etc.

An alternative is to 'Publish to PDF' in the cdr file (I don't know whether
earlier versions of CorelDraw have this feature - we're using version 11),
then we open the pdf in Adobe Acrobat (we have version 5), use the 'Graphics
select tool' to draw a window around the image we want to insert into Word /
PPT, select copy. Then go to your Word / PPT document and paste. We've found
that sometimes this works fine, other times we find the resolution isn't
that good. I believe there is a way to adjust the quality of the resolution
of the pdf being imported but can't remeber where this is at the moment. I
think it was discussed on the Adobe Acrobat forum, rather than the
PowerPoint newsgroup.

If these methods aren't any good for you, you might try the CorelDraw
newsgroup - for version 11 the newsgroup server is 'cnews.corel.com' and the
newsgroup is 'corel.graphic_apps.cdgs11-draw' . They might also be able to
help you regarding export settings from cdr.

Hope this helps you find a solution!

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