I go through this every month when writing the minutes for our Board of
Directors meetings in outline form. I use the outline feature (numbering) and
when I try to put a double space between, say, I and A, Word automatically
inserts II. As long as I ONLY single space, everything is OK. But who wants
to single space an outline? Normally I would want a double space between
outline levels but the actual text I single space. There's got to be a way to
put in a hard return without creating another Roman numeral or letter so that
my outline looks correct. I am using Word 2000, but I think this would apply
to any version.
Directors meetings in outline form. I use the outline feature (numbering) and
when I try to put a double space between, say, I and A, Word automatically
inserts II. As long as I ONLY single space, everything is OK. But who wants
to single space an outline? Normally I would want a double space between
outline levels but the actual text I single space. There's got to be a way to
put in a hard return without creating another Roman numeral or letter so that
my outline looks correct. I am using Word 2000, but I think this would apply
to any version.