Word page numbering doubt


Isabelle Andrade


Sorry to bother you all with this, but i just haven't found an answer to my
problem anyware. I would just like to know, how can I number an MS Word
document ignoring the sections (just number the pages sequentially, not
bothering if there are sections there or not)?

I only want to to this because I have an article to finish, and some parts
(abstract, citations) needs to be on one column format, and others in two
columns format. I know Windows creates sections automatically in this case,
but I don't want them. Could you please help me? I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for your time.


When changing between one column and multi-column areas of a Word document,
you must have a section break, usually Continuous works best.
But you can have a page number that ignores section breaks, select the page
number field, go to the Page Number Format icon and in this dialog uncheck
the Include Chapter number (I assume from your question that this is not the
case but never hurts to ensure it is off) and check the "Continue from
previous section" option at the bottom.

I also assume that as you didnot insert section breaks deliberately, then
the Headers and Footers in your document are all "linked to previous" and so
working in any part of the document will change all Headers/Footers wher you
have the page number.

For further reading on Sections, see
which has good information on how to control and use this aspect of Word.
Please come back if this does not answer your problem.

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