Word pausing about every 6 to 10 secs



I am getting pauses about every 7 to 10 seconds whenever I open and use Word,
whether it is new document or one I have previosly saved.
It is not happening in any other application.
The pause lasts about a second, and the letters that I have typed during the
pause come up ok.
The egg-timer comes up on the screen during the second or so pause.

I have defragged the hard drive, turned off all the features that I thought
it could be, (highlighting, spell checking, autosave etc. etc.) and in fact
now anything that even might cause it, but it is still happening.
I have also changed the video card and dsplay settings to see it it was
that, but it made no difference.

I also did a "detect and repair" from the HELP menu, and that did not stop it.

Can anyone help?

Thanks - edy

How to link or embed objects in Word

Trying to remember if the fix is getting rid of the "Allow fast saves"
default setting under Tools, Options, Save. Look through all the Tools,
Options tabs; I believe your answer is there. While you're at it, this is a
good time to look at the default 10 minute autosave? How much are you
willing to lose in a crash - 10 minutes?


I have toggled the "Allow fast saves" on and off, but it was the same in
either mode - it does not stop the pauses.
As far as the 10 mins of work lost, I am not that fast a typist, but you are
right - 10 mins could be a lot of words, so will reduce that.
Thanks for the suggestion

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