word problem



When using a company logo in a table within the header on
a word document the page numbers also within the header
go crazy. The first page usually displays page 2 and the
next and subsequent page display page 0. In addition when
updating my table of contents all page numbers display
page 0. When I remove the logo from the table the
document behaves correctly

These documents were created in Office 2000 and were
correct in that programme. When I return to another
computer with office 2000 the document behave correctly.

I installed the complete version of office XP 2002 and
received the installion completed satisfactory signal yet
when using MS Word I get an error message "Compile error
in hidden module, Autoexec" Why this error message when
all was installed successfully?

Can you help?

Jay Freedman

Hi, Harold,

These are two separate problems with different solutions.

The page 0 problem is a known bug in Word 2002. See
http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/Numbering/PageNumber0.htm for workarounds.

The "compile error" problem means you have an AutoExec macro in a template
or add-in, and there's an error in that macro (probably because the macro
was written for Word 2000 and does something that's impossible in Word
2002). For instructions on tracking down the culprit, see section 4 of

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