Word problem


Kevin Witty

I realize this is an Access forum, but I can't find a forum in Managed
Newsgroups for Word problems. If someone can point me in the right
direction, I'll leave it there.

John Dvorak wrote a column a couple of months ago taking MS to task for
being incapable of writing a decent word processor after 22 years of
practice. I couldn't agree with him more. The term "piece of s**t" comes to

I'm working on a document which has lots of imbedded screen pastes
(documentation, actually!) and started doing a table of contents. At various
times Word somehow managed to make the size of the header and footer take up
the entire page; changed the font in the table of contents to match a single
paragraph I had just changed; imbedded the normal para after a Level x entry
in the table of contents immediately after the entry itself; changed every
paragraph in the document to Orphan control, Keep with following, Keep
together, new page before; scattered the TOC amongst the rest of the document
(or vice versa); changed a normal para to bold and its header to non-bold;
and various other cute tricks. I think the header and footer margins caused
a lot of this (and the top margin kept on coming up as a negative number),
and I was utterly unable to change them.

I finally started a new document, carefully setting the header and footer
margins first, and piece by piece cut and pasted the pieces of my original
document into the new one. Everythng looked fine until I inserted a TOC, at
whcih time things started to go to hell in a handbasket again, and I went to

Am I kidding myself to think this is ever going to work, or should I just do
what a friend suggested, and go back to WordPerfect? (Word 6.0 for DOS was


Kevin Witty

Thanks, Doug, but I was kind of hoping to take advantage of the Managed
Newsgroups I've paid for which promise an answer within, I think, 48 hours.
Admittedly, there's probably no 48-hour answer to the dog's breakfast I
experienced below.

An out-of-pocket and frustrated (two Access questions asked in the past 48
hours and no answers yet,, but as John Vinson warned a while ago, I don't
tend to ask easy ones)...


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