Word Program - Drawing Tool Bar



Good Afternoon -

I was checking around while I was in Word - somehow
clicked on the Drawing Toolbar which showed up at the
bottom of the screen -

Buttttttttttt there is NO box for me to close it, to get
it off the screen.

Now my page has in the body where you type, a constant _
in the left margin.

Can someone help me close this out, so I can return the
normalcy of Word, for just typing my letters as I have for
the last three years.?

Thanks so much, I do so much appreciate it, & yes, I have
tried to expand the screen to no avail for finding a box
to close that with.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Right-click on any toolbar and uncheck the Drawing toolbar in the list.


-----Original Message-----
Right-click on any toolbar and uncheck the Drawing toolbar in the list.


Hi Susanne,

Hey, thank you for your reply, really appreciate it. But
I have right clicked, & & unchecked the drawing item, but
it still won't return my document page for writing on back
to what it was before.

It just leaves this constant little _ over near the Left

I have tried so many things, which is probably my
problem. :)

I'll go back in tomorrow, & try again, but if you have any
other idea's could you let me know please?

Thanks a bunch,


Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you're in Normal view, you're perhaps seeing the End of Document marker?


Hi Suzanne, & Good Morning,

Thanks again so much, for your reply -

Well, seeing what you wrote here, I am in Normal View now,
which is where I was trying to get back too, & with your
input I did.

Really appreciate your help.

Thanks again,


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