Word Reference (RD) Field



I insert a field in a Word 2003 document and start to type RD in the field.
As soon as I type the D, the field reverts to a normal text string. The grey
field background disappears and so do all field attributes. Same thing
happens if I Select Insert Field from the menu and select RD and type a file
name. I can insert all other fields. I have Hidden Text enabled, and that
will turn on and off the string and enclosing braces.

Any ideas what has happened.?


Hi John,

What you're describing sounds like standard RD field behaviour - as soon as you complete them, they lose any field shading and
become formatted as hidden text.



After another hour I figured that out. I guess the behaviour of the RD field
is different to other fields that I have used, and that threw me.


macropod said:
Hi John,

What you're describing sounds like standard RD field behaviour - as soon as you complete them, they lose any field shading and
become formatted as hidden text.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

John said:
I insert a field in a Word 2003 document and start to type RD in the field.
As soon as I type the D, the field reverts to a normal text string. The grey
field background disappears and so do all field attributes. Same thing
happens if I Select Insert Field from the menu and select RD and type a file
name. I can insert all other fields. I have Hidden Text enabled, and that
will turn on and off the string and enclosing braces.

Any ideas what has happened.?

Stefan Blom

For what it's worth, XE (index entry) and TC (table of contents entry)
fields behave the same way: they will be formatted as hidden. And you
cannot use Alt+F9 to toggle their display; instead, they are
shown/hidden based on whether you are displaying hidden text.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
After another hour I figured that out. I guess the behaviour of the RD field
is different to other fields that I have used, and that threw me.


macropod said:
Hi John,

What you're describing sounds like standard RD field behaviour - as soon as you complete them, they lose any field shading and
become formatted as hidden text.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

I insert a field in a Word 2003 document and start to type RD in the field.
As soon as I type the D, the field reverts to a normal text string. The grey
field background disappears and so do all field attributes. Same thing
happens if I Select Insert Field from the menu and select RD and type a file
name. I can insert all other fields. I have Hidden Text enabled, and that
will turn on and off the string and enclosing braces.

Any ideas what has happened.?

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