Hi Duxius,
Can someone give me a hint on topic how to put data in word document based
on template and later, if user changes something, put that data back to
I' working with office xp, SQL Server and C#.
Can i use xml? Maybe bookmark?
XML would only work with Word 2003. Probably what you'd really like are the
VSTO things currently being worked on for the next release of VS, they'd be
exactly what you need
In earlier versions of Word, bookmarks are certainly a possibility and
commonly used. The biggest problem is that they are so easily deleted.
Other possibilities would be form fields (document must be protected as a
form, i.e. mainly data-entry only); ActiveX controls embedded in the
document; table cells; drawing objects.
Another approach would be to have data entry work over some kind of form
interface, put the data into document VARIABLES or PROPERTIES; display in the
document using DocVariable or DocProperty fields. Tell the user these have to
be changed using your interface, then read these back out of the document.
DocProperties can even be handled when the file is closed.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)
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