Word saves document as .docx AND folder with weird stuff in it



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel The folder has items in it like:
word (older)
docProps (folder)
[Content_Types].xml (file)
_rels (folder)

The document still opens if I put the related folder in the trash, but I prefer to just have a document saved. When I save a document as a .doc, it does not create the accompanying folder. I had this problem before and when I trashed the folder the document wouldn't open. Fortunately this is not the case. I have the latest version of Office/Word. I'm rnning OSX 10.5.8. I want to resolve this problem before installing Snow Leopard. Can anyone out there help me?


OXML files are like mini web sites which encompass the document itself along
with a number of supporting files. All are essentially wrapped together as a
zipped/stuffed file. However, that should be totally transparent to the
user... IOW, that file normally should never be separated into its various
components, & doing so will most likely render the actual document file
useless, especially if it is transmitted to another location. The bottom
line is that the .docx (or any OXML) file should appear as a single document
icon as has traditionally been the case & should not be unzipped.

I'm guessing that you have a less-than-current version StuffIt & that it's
Preferences are set to 'Automatically unstuff' files saved in a certain
location -- most likely your Desktop. Further, you're saving your files to
that location, where they are immediately being ripped apart. If my guess is
correct you need to address the problem immediately by doing any (preferably
*all*) of the following;

1- Get StuffIt updated - recent versions have been trained to not do this,
2- Change the StuffIt pref to a different, specified folder or turn the
'auto' feature off altogether,
3- Get in the habit of saving your files to folders YOU create - preferably
within the Documents folder - rather than dumping them to the Desktop.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


All I have is Stuffit Expander 13.0.3, not standard Stuffit. "Allow for Version Tracker" in the Stuffit Expander is checked in the file menu, but cannot find anything like "Check for Updates" Fortunately, the .docx file in question opens even after throwing the extra folder in the trash and deleting the trash. But I dont like the fact that Word is doing this!


BOB JONES, you are amazing!

I went into Stuffit Expander prefs and unchecked "Automatically Unstuff", After doing that, I could not recreate the problem, even when saving the document to the Desktop! Sometimes I need to save to my desktop--which by the way is very tidy with only 2 items on it, one of which is my Macintosh HD, so I'm not one of those people who keeps 87,000 things on my desktop!

At any rate, I think the issue is resolved. Wow! Thanks a million! You're the bestest!


No problem - glad to help... But I'd still suggest that you create a folder
on the Desktop & save to it or put the folder elsewhere with an Alias of it
on the Desktop. The Desktop is not a folder & OS X treats it differently.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I'd still suggest that you create a folder on the Desktop & save to it or put the folder elsewhere with an Alias of it on the Desktop. The Desktop is not a folder & OS X treats it differently.>

Got it! Thanks!

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