Word says every font is corrupt



For months Office 2004 for Mac (I'm using a 1.83 ghz Intel Core Duo
with Mac OSX 10.4.8) was fine. This week suddenly every time I go to
launch Word , I get the following message: "The font Amerigaramond is
corrupt and should be removed". If I hit Ok, the same message comes
back with the next font down the list alphabetically. As I have a lot
of fonts, I have to force quit. The fonts are not corrupt as far as I
can see as I'm using them with Quark Xpress v6.5, and Adobe CS 2. I
have re-installed Office but I still get the same problem.

Can anyone help?

Big Jaguar

Elliott Roper

For months Office 2004 for Mac (I'm using a 1.83 ghz Intel Core Duo
with Mac OSX 10.4.8) was fine. This week suddenly every time I go to
launch Word , I get the following message: "The font Amerigaramond is
corrupt and should be removed". If I hit Ok, the same message comes
back with the next font down the list alphabetically. As I have a lot
of fonts, I have to force quit. The fonts are not corrupt as far as I
can see as I'm using them with Quark Xpress v6.5, and Adobe CS 2. I
have re-installed Office but I still get the same problem.

This is a famous problem. You have a tangled font cache or two.
Ask again if
does not show you how to fix it.


This problem has been running for over a year now. I am being plagued
by it at the moment. Has no-one come up with a better fix than the
time-consuming safe boot, cache trashing etc?
Cache trashing didn't solve the problem for me, but safe boot works
-- until the next time.
Hoping for better things, John


I'm afraid that no permanent fix has been found because it isn't something
that can be replicated and each case seems to respond better to some cures
than to others. If you haven't already done so you might take a look here:


As stated on that page, some of the suggestions work better for certain
users that others, but which will work best in any given situation is still
the proverbial crap-shoot.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


That is sad news, but thanks for confirming that I haven't missed the
good news. I do know Beth Rosengard's helpful article, but hoped that
discoveries might have been made since that appeared.

I standardly use Word 5 anyway, and only have to turn to Word 2004 now
and again. But when I do it's extremely frustrating to have to go
through the safe boot rigmarole.


John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]

Hi John:

Well, there's one issue that leads to this scenario: Having OS 9 and Word
2004 both in use on the same boot volume will lead to font cache problems.

Having multiple font managers in use (*any* font managers, actually...) is
also likely to produce the problem.

If you had all your fonts in a single folder, and no font managers, the cure
would last a bit longer each time :)



Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.


John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Hi John:

Well, there's one issue that leads to this scenario: Having OS 9 and Word
2004 both in use on the same boot volume will lead to font cache problems.

Having multiple font managers in use (*any* font managers, actually...) is
also likely to produce the problem.

If you had all your fonts in a single folder, and no font managers, the cure
would last a bit longer each time :)


Thanks for the pointers.

Happily I don't have any font managers -- none that I'm aware of

You mention having all fonts in one folder. Does that mean that I
could move all my OSX fonts from HD > Library > Fonts to the OS9
System Folder > Fonts? Or vice versa? Or is "all in one folder" not
a practical option?

Cheers, John

John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]

Hi John:

I'm not avoiding you, I don't know the answer :)

I have not run OS 9 for some years. I am hoping one of the people who does
will chip in here...



Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.


John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Clive Huggan

Hello John,

I can't help you on the font front, except to say that increasingly,
Classic/OS9 and OS 10.4 do not appear to mix well. But it's not my area of
expertise -- when I moved across to OS 10.3.3 I did not install Classic
(though I have an old G3 with OS 9, just to run HyperCard).

Your transition to Word 2004 might be made easier by downloading some notes
on the way I use Word for the Mac, titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which
are available as a free download from the Word MVPs' website
(http://word.mvps.org/Mac/Bend/BendWordToYourWill.html). I started writing
them when I realized I was going to have to move from Word 5.1a <nostalgic
sigh> because of incompatibility problems -- I interchange most documents
with PC users. The starting point of the notes (which are arranged
dictionary-style for the most part) was originally Word 5.1, and although
the content has grown to 200 or so pages, I've kept the original starting
point in there.

Don't let me discourage you from making the move more permanently to Word
2004, but ultimately the reality is that it's 6 years since OS X came out
and old fonts in particular can be so troublesome that many people think
it's worthwhile to bypass the problem by eliminating Classic.

PS: Feel free to vent some spleen about my views; there is still a part of
me that is *envious* that you continue to use Word 5!


Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from North America and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)


John - Clive:
Thank you both for responding. I have tried very hard to adapt to
Word 2004 but for my purposes it is so much less efficient than Word 5
that I have abandoned the attempt.
I do know "Bend Word to your will" -- very grateful to you for
compiling it, and for the implied sympathy with later version
One workaround, in case anyone else is in a similar position, is that
when you need some function that Word 2004 has but Word 5 doesn't
(like reading .doc files), you can use Word 2001 and not run into
sporadic false alarms about corrupt fonts. Or use MacLinkPlus.

Clive Huggan

On 2/5/07 9:43 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed),

One workaround, in case anyone else is in a similar position, is that
when you need some function that Word 2004 has but Word 5 doesn't
(like reading .doc files), you can use Word 2001 and not run into
sporadic false alarms about corrupt fonts. Or use MacLinkPlus.
Yes, spot on, John!


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