I have the following code to search word docs (ie CV's of Candidates) from
Sub label49()
Dim wrd As Object
Dim wrddoc As Object
Dim strFind As String
Dim binFound as Boolean
strFind = Inputbox("Enter Text to Find")
Set wrd = GetObject(" MY FILEPATH")
wrd.Applicaton.Visible = True
When I press on the search button for this, it does ask me which txt i wish
to find, however once ive entered in txt this error message appears:
Run-time Error '2147221020 (800401E4)';
Automation error
Invalid syntax
Im not advanced on code and need a little help...Would anybody be able to
explain this and where i have gone wrong? This is the only thing I need to
complete to be able upload for other users to use.
Thanks in advance
Sub label49()
Dim wrd As Object
Dim wrddoc As Object
Dim strFind As String
Dim binFound as Boolean
strFind = Inputbox("Enter Text to Find")
Set wrd = GetObject(" MY FILEPATH")
wrd.Applicaton.Visible = True
When I press on the search button for this, it does ask me which txt i wish
to find, however once ive entered in txt this error message appears:
Run-time Error '2147221020 (800401E4)';
Automation error
Invalid syntax
Im not advanced on code and need a little help...Would anybody be able to
explain this and where i have gone wrong? This is the only thing I need to
complete to be able upload for other users to use.
Thanks in advance